Neurodiversity Awards aim to promote understanding of neurodiversity and build a society where each individual can demonstrate their unique strengths in their own respective places. As part of this effort, we are holding the first Neurodiversity Awards.

The promotion of neurodiversity can unlock new creativity and contribute to the development of society as a whole. Through this award, we aim to recognize outstanding achievements in technology, products, social actions, and more, while deepening understanding of neurodiversity and paving the way for greater diversity and inclusion in society.

We welcome applications from a wide range of participants, including students, researchers, and businesses.

About Neurodiversity

Many people struggle with a sense of ‘difficulty in living.’ They find it challenging to connect with others, have trouble fitting into society, and suffer from a lack of a place where they truly belong.

It has become increasingly clear that this struggle often has its roots in neurodiversity. When individuals are unable to fully demonstrate their strengths and face difficulties in various situations, they are often labeled as having a developmental ‘disorder,’ and their unique traits are viewed as problems.

However, the ‘difficulty in living’ that people experience arises from the interaction between individual traits and their environment. Many of the geniuses who made some of the greatest inventions in history are said to have had brains that functioned differently from the norm. For example, Elon Musk, a well-known entrepreneur, has publicly disclosed that he has Asperger’s syndrome (now recognized as part of Autism Spectrum Disorder: ASD, as per the DSM-5 criteria released by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013). Additionally, filmmaker Steven Spielberg has disclosed that he was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning disability, and it is also said that he may have co-occurring autism spectrum traits. However, by placing themselves in environments where they could leverage their unique characteristics, these developmental traits have become strengths rather than disabilities. People with the same traits may become charismatic leaders or struggle with employment, depending on their environment.

We believe that by respecting individual traits and creating appropriate environments, we can transform what has been perceived as ‘disability’ or ‘difficulty in living’ into ‘strengths’ and ‘ease of living.’ Human brains and neurology are incredibly diverse, a concept known as ‘neurodiversity.’ We all have our unique characteristics, and the concept of neurodiversity applies to everyone. When the interaction with the environment crosses a certain threshold, individuals are labeled with ‘disabilities’ or ‘illnesses.’ The line between disability and ability, illness and health, is not clear-cut; it is continuous. Therefore, even those who are not labeled as having a disability or illness may feel a congenital difficulty in living in modern society. Some may develop mental health issues due to a lack of supportive environments and social maladjustment. Neurodiversity is an important concept not only for those with developmental traits but for everyone, as it is essential for living richly and authentically.

We are committed to promoting understanding of neurodiversity and working towards building a society where each individual can demonstrate their unique strengths in their own place.

Research and Development Category

Seeking cutting-edge research and technologies related to neurodiversity (Applicants are requested to describe their research overview, objectives, methods, and anticipated outcomes).

Social Implementation Category

Seeking projects that have successfully implemented technologies, products, or events related to neurodiversity in society and achieved concrete results are sought. (Applicants should provide explanations about the project’s objectives, overview, outcomes, and impact.)

Idea Category

Seeking ideas for projects, events, research, and products that contribute to the promotion and awareness of neurodiversity. (Applicants should describe the project’s content, goals, implementation methods, and expected impact.)

Evaluation will be based on the following three elements.

This award is open to all individuals and organizations interested in neurodiversity, including students, researchers, schools, companies, government agencies, and public interest foundations.

・Applications will be accepted online. Please fill out the application form and attach a description of your work and any relevant materials.
・The application deadline is Sunday, September 29, 2024.
・Please submit the required information using the application form below.

・Application Title
・Summary (approximately 500 Japanese characters / 250 english words)
*Please freely describe the purpose, overview, outcomes, impact, etc.
・Related URLs (website, reports, videos, etc.)
・Attachments (optional)

・Company/Organization Name
・Contact Person’s Name
・Contact Person’s Email Address

Regarding Attachments
・Maximum size per file: 5MB
・If you are unable to attach files, please email them to

◎ Application Deadline: Sunday, September 29, 2024
◎ Judging: Early October 2024
◎ Award Ceremony: Saturday, October 12, 2024

The award ceremony will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Office Tower.

Date and Time: Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 14:30 to 15:00
Location: Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Office Tower
(1-7-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7590)
The ceremony will take place within the “Change Tomorrow (Abbreviation: Chomoro) 2024” event.

(Titles omitted)


Jun Ishikawa
石川 准

デジタルアーキテクト、ベンチャーキャピタリスト、起業家、作家、学者。教育、民主主義とガバナンス、学問と科学のシステムの再設計などさまざまな課題解決に向けて活動中。米マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)メディアラボ所長、ソニー、ニューヨークタイムズ取締役などを歴任。株式会社デジタルガレージ取締役。デジタル庁デジタル社会構想会議構成員。2023年7月より千葉工業大学学長。Neurodiversity School in Tokyo共同創立者。

Joichi Ito
伊藤 穰一
(株式会社デジタルガレージ共同創業者取締役/学校法人千葉工業大学学長/Neurodiversity School in Tokyo 共同創立者)

東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了 博士(工学)。電気通信大学、慶應義塾大学等を経て2016年より現職。
自在化技術、人間拡張工学、エンタテインメント工学に興味を持つ。 米TIME誌Coolest Invention of the Year、文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞、文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門)などを受賞。 情報処理学会理事、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会理事、日本学術会議連携会員等を兼務。 著書に『スーパーヒューマン誕生!人間はSFを超える』(NHK出版新書)、『自在化身体論』(NTS)他。

Masahiko Inami
稲見 昌彦



東大医学部卒、内科医、医学博士。在米14年。UCLA教授、東京大学教授、東海大学医学部長などを歴任。その間、多くの国内、国際科学者連合体の役員・委員を務め、 国際腎臓学会理事長(1997年)、国際内科学会会長(2002年)に就任。その後も、日本学術会議会長、WHO コミッショナー、内閣科学顧問、国会の立法による東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会委員長、世界認知症審議会副議長等を歴任。主な著書は「規制の虜―グループシンクが日本を滅ぼす」(講談社、平成28年)、『物言う科学者「時代の証言者」』(読売新聞令和4年5月27日~7月13日(32回))、『考えよ、問いかけよ「出る杭人材」が日本を変える』(毎日新聞出版、令和4年)等。

Kiyoshi Kurokawa
黒川 清

株式会社ハコスコ取締役CTO, 医学博士・脳科学者, 一般社団法人XRコンソーシアム代表理事, ブレインテックコンソーシアム代表理事, デジタルハリウッド大学大学院卓越教授学長補佐, 東北大学特任教授

東北大学医学部卒業。同大学院にて博士号取得。1998年よりマサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)、McGovern Institute 研究員。2004年より理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター副チームリーダー、2008年よりチームリーダー。2014年株式会社ハコスコを起業。2018年よりデジタルハリウッド大学大学院教授。研究テーマは「現実科学」。主な著書に、「つながる脳」(毎日出版文化賞受賞)「ソーシャルブレインズ入門」「拡張する脳」「脳と生きる」など。

Naotaka Fujii
藤井 直敬

◎ Use of Personal Information
The company and personal information provided by applicants to the Neurodiversity Award will be used only to the extent necessary for the conduct of the award activities by the organizers, co-organizers, and related organizations. If a specific request for disclosure of personal information is made by government agencies or other entities, it may be disclosed in response to the request.

◎ Photography on the Day of the Award Ceremony
Photographs and videos taken during the award ceremony may be used by the organizers, supporting organizations, and other cooperating entities for their activities, including publication on websites, brochures, etc. Media coverage, including newspapers, television, and internet sites, may be present, and the event may be reported.

◎ Use of Information Related to Submitted and Awarded Works

  • Intellectual property rights, including industrial property rights and copyright, for information related to the submitted works (including images and videos) provided by applicants will belong to the respective providers.
  • Information related to submitted works and awarded works provided by applicants may be used by the organizers and co-organizers for the official website, public relations activities, and related events as necessary.